Mistakes Made and Lessons Learnt’ -By Peter Conroy
‘Mistakes Made … Are Lessons Learnt’ is a short film by Peter Conroy introducing you to how the Irish tow surf rescue club was established.
The Irish tow surf rescue club was set up nearly 10 years ago to highlight the need for qualified and experienced jetski drivers. Our aim is to train and share our experiences that we have learnt over the years of tow surfing and surfing.
We aim to make our sport of surfing safer by also putting life saving equipment in spots that are hard to access and work closely with the coast guard and helicopter service for fast and effective rescues.
We have about 30 member paid up this year and always are glad for more. So please get in contact through the club page facebook.com/Irish-Tow-Surf-Rescue-Club-127085440635507/?fref=ts
or by contacting Peter conroy at peterrr22@hotmail.com
Thanks again to everyone that helped make this clip possible.
Now sit back and enjoy the carnage
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